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Kim Kardashian cumple su sueño de ser la portada de la revista Vogue en Estados Unidos

Para la revista, Kim se mantuvo fiel a su esencia y también posó sin ropa interior

Kim Kardashian ha sido la portada de muchas revistas a nivel internacional, pero hoy con Vogue en su edición para Estados Unidos la más internacional de todo el clan Kardashian-Jenner cumplió su sueño de ser en solitario la portada de su añorada revista.

Kim compartió las imágenes que conforman el reportaje que realizó el medio en relación a ella, y junto a este álbum de fotografías escribió unas sentidas palabras sobre este nuevo logro que suma a su biografía como celebridad y estrella de la televisión.

La esposa de Kanye West ha dicho que hace mucho soñó con el momento de verse como portada única de Vogue. Y afirma que varios le dijeron que ese momento nunca llegaría. Ante la realidad que ahora vive, Kim es honesta al decir que las palabras no le alcanzan para expresar su sentir, sobre todo porque se siente honrada por salir en solitario, su primera vez, y en Estados Unidos.


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@KimKardashian is our May issue cover star! And she has a major life update to announce. Tap the link in our bio for the full cover story and spread. Photographed by @mikaeljansson, styled by @tonnegood, written by @jonathanvanmeter, Vogue, May 2019.

Una publicación compartida de Vogue (@voguemagazine) el

Como fan de la revista Kim Kardashian dice recordar que de pequeña estaba pendiente de esta publicación a través de la suscripción de ésta, la cual recibía mensualmente en casa, y desde ese entonces soñaba con llegar a aparecer en la tapa.

No termina su reflexión sin antes agradecer a Anna Wintour, la editora jefe de Vogue, quien, según las palabras textuales de la celebridad, siempre ha apoyado su carrera.


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I’ve dreamed of this moment for so long, many said it would never come. Words cannot begin to express how much of an honor it is to have my first solo US cover of @VogueMagazine. I remember as a little girl flipping through my mom’s subscription each month and dreaming of one day gracing the cover of this iconic magazine. Thank you to the incredible Anna Wintour for your support as always, it means the world to me. @Tonnegood, @Mikaeljansson and the glam team were an absolute dream to work with. I’m so incredibly grateful to writer @Jonathanvanmeter for illustrating a glimpse into my life in a way that I don’t think has ever been done – from juggling family, my businesses and pursuing a law degree with such care and seriousness. Special thank you to my husband Kanye for speaking into existence that one day I would grace the cover of Vogue when everyone told me to be “more realistic.” #dreamsdocometrue #speakitintoexistence #voguemagazine Photographer: Mikael Jansson @mikaeljansson Stylist: Tonne Goodman @tonnegood Makeup: Hannah Murray @hannah_murray1 Hair headpieces: Shay Ashual @shayashual Cover Look: Chanel top @chanelofficial; Irene Neuwirth necklace @ireneneuwirth. Vogue Team @sergiokletnoy & @jilldemling

Una publicación compartida de Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian) el

Fiel a su esencia Kim Kardashian no solo compartió la integridad de su hogar en donde también aparecen junto a ella sus hijos, Kim también salió sin ropa interior posando con un vestido de color cobre que se pega perfectamente a toda su gloriosa figura.


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@KimKardashian is used to being underestimated. If the media mogul/beauty entrepreneur/soon-to-be mother of four’s next act—studying law—seems unlikely, perhaps it shouldn’t. «This is the daughter of an accomplished attorney and the mother of three black kids who is using her full power to make a difference on a tough issue and is shockingly good at it,» says @CNN commentator and activist @vanjones68. Jones brings up the Elle Woods character from @legallyblondemovies as perhaps the only archetype we have in the culture through which to understand such an unlikely turn of events. “But she’s so much deeper than that,” he says, “because the gravity of the issues she’s taking on is so tragic and all-pervasive. I think she’s going to be a singular person in American life.” In many demonstrable ways—for better or worse—@KimKardashian already is. But if she were to pass the bar, it would be the most surprising rebranding since @Barbie got woke, a case to be studied at @harvardhbs for years to come. (Indeed, she has been invited to speak at Harvard later this year “on branding and media.”) “I love to be put in a situation where I can have a conversation with someone who might not be inclined to think much of me, because I can guarantee they will have a different opinion and understand what’s important to me after they’ve met me,” @KimKardashian says. Tap the link in our bio to read the full May cover story. Photographed by @mikaeljansson, styled by @tonnegood, written by @jonathanvanmeter, Vogue, May 2019.

Una publicación compartida de Vogue (@voguemagazine) el

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